Applying for a New Job

- 2 mins read

I was recently asked to sit in on some interviews at work, and as part of my prep I looked through our job postings. We have quite a few out right now and a couple of them caught my eye. In fact, when I read the description of what kind of experience they are looking for, it was almost a perfect match for my background. The work seems really interesting as well, so I felt I had no choice but to apply.
Would be stupid not to, really …

Since I already work for the company, I wasn’t quite sure on how to proceed, but after talking to my boss and the person responsible for the new position I wrote an application letter and sent them my updated CV.
I have been wanting to write more Go and work with Linux, and this new job checks both those boxes, so I’m excited. Hopefully they like my application and everything works out. If so, things could be set in motion relatively soon, too. I think they are looking for up to 6 people right now, so I’m allowing myself to get my hopes slightly up.

Can’t say too much about the new position; it is of course still in healthcare but more security focused.
Also, I haven’t told my team yet since it’s early, and I doubt anyone (from my team or otherwise) actually reads this blog, so …